Can you thin out epoxy resin?

Epoxy can't be dramatically thinned in the typical sense without negatively affecting the quality.

  • Epoxy resin comes in two components: a resin component and a hardener component. The resin component is the thicker of the two components.
  • If the resin component is below the recommended use temperature, it can be warmed to allow it to blend better when mixing and also to thin it out slightly.

The resin component must be warmed up in one of two ways: 

  • You can warm it in a sink of warm or hot water prior to mixing.
  • You can put the resin in a room that is at 75°F and allow to acclimate for 24 hours prior to starting the project.

Either of these methods will allow the epoxy to blend more easily during mixing but will also reduce the amount of time the product can stay in the mixing container. You will need to pour it on your surface immediately after mixing.

Caution: Never put the epoxy hardener component in warm/hot water or in the project room.

Only the resin should be warmed this way, otherwise you might ruin the batch of epoxy, as it will cure much too quickly once in the mixing container, causing it to build heat in the bucket and even start to smoke.

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