Can you apply epoxy resin via spraying?

No, epoxy cannot be sprayed onto a surface.

UltraClear Epoxy is too thick to be sprayed, and attempting to thin it out will alter the structure of the epoxy, preventing it from leveling properly on the substrate.

It will also start curing while in the spraying device, likely causing it to jam and malfunction.

The best application method is below:

  1. Apply a seal coat of our epoxy. A seal coat is a small batch of epoxy that is brushed on in a thin layer to seal any pores in the surface and prevent air bubbles from forming in the following flood coat.
  2. Wait four to six hours after you paint the seal coat.
  3. Pour your flood coat, one gallon at a time. Each batch must be poured within 20 minutes of the previous batch for them to blend together seamlessly.
  4. Pop any air bubbles in the flood coat with a plumbers torch or heat gun. This should only take a few minutes to do, as it is an easy and straightforward process.
  5. Let it cure for 72 hours.

That's it. You will receive the complete instructions with your order and it will also cover this information.

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