How do you apply an epoxy seal coat when using bottle caps or other tiny objects?

If your project involves embedding tiny objects, you have two options for the seal coat phase:

  1. Recommended: Glue the objects to your surface in advance. Most regular glues will work fine, except hot glue sticks. Then you can apply your seal coat. Make it a bit thicker than normal around the objects you're embedding, and be sure to surround them completely to prevent trapped air from escaping into your flood coat later.
  2. Alternatively, you can apply a partial seal coat first, then immediately position the objects where you want them within the seal coat. Finish the seal coat by coating the objects themselves until they are fully surrounded by the epoxy seal coat. This will help prevent air bubbles from forming in your flood coat later.

After you've done this, wait a full 24 hours before pouring your flood coat. This will provide sufficient time for the seal coat to cure and hold the bottle caps and any other objects into position.

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